How to earn money online

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Hello Friends, today in this post I’m going to tell you some ideas about technique to  earn money through online. Today’s date Millions of peoples earning or making huge amount of money from internet and i believe you can make a lot of money as well. But this is not easy to earn money, your dedication, hard-work helps to complete your dream. There are lot’s of way to make money online but in this article Will discuss only some major ways to make money online.

First one is Google AdSense:  If you are interested in  blogging or writing article online this will be helpful for you because of your natural or unique article will be able to publish Google Adsense. You can start your blogging by purchasing Web-hosting and  domain or you can just start with Blogger. Blogger is free platform to share your experiences, thoughts and many more. If you write your own experiences or unique article in  which is you are interested, just start writing your knowledge and start sharing. After some time you can apply to Google AdSense and you will start earning after your request approved by just showing Ads on your blog.

earn money online

If you want to know more please follow this link Google AdSense.

YouTube:- YouTube is one of the most powerful and popular video platform to make money just like Google AdSense YouTube also product of Google company. If you can make videos and you are interested to share your knowledge. If yes just create your YouTube channel today. You can create a YouTube channel for free and start sharing your video. The main point is the video must be unique and your, YouTube does not allow you to share others video. When you get a large amount of followers you can promote other business with your YouTube channel.

Freelancing: If you have strong knowledge or skills on such as Programming, Graphics Designing, Video Editing, Writing articles or blogs, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you can start freelancing to earn money. You can not get high paid until you get good projects.
Following are the major websites which providing freelancing services for freelancer:

Looking Advertisement: There are some websites which is paying just to their users by watching Ads. You just need to simply click ads to get money. First, create your account and start making money. you can get paid through PayPal, Skrill, MasterCard, Paynoore etc.
Following are the major websites  :

Affiliated Marketing: Affiliated marketing is also a major platform to earn money. You can promote organizations or goods and sale them also you can earn a commission from affiliate marketing. Facebook, Twitter or other social media are the biggest platforms for affiliate marketing.

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Santosh Adhikari

Hello, it's me Santosh Adhikari, from Kathmandu, Nepal. I'm a student of Science and Technology. I love new challenges and want to explore more on Software Quality Assurance. I want to be a professional SQA. I'm also interested in Blogging, SEO activities.
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